Old Flemish Words List D-F
Old Flemish Words compiled by Etienne Elskens
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Dagement: summons, subpoena, writ
Dagmael, dagwand: 1/3 of an hectare, 100 rods, 14 square meters
Decassatien: sentence, ( cassatie: annulment of a sentence )
Declatoir: explanatory, declaration
Defructueren: harvesting
Den penning 20: on each of 20 pennies one must pay 1 penny as rent
Denominatie: naming, appointed
Depêche: telegram, official notice
Dependencie: dependant, belonging to
Dependentien: outbuildings, outhouses,
Dependerende: belonging to
Derogeren: demolish, raze, to stray from the law
Designeren: to assign
Desisteren: let go, to relinquish something
Devoiren en plaisieren: obligations and legal rights (now legal rights and obligations)
Dinandier: copper smith
Dienende: one who is at the moment in charge
Dier, diër: of that
Dispositie: arrangement, disposition, disposal
Distingueren: to distinguish, discern
Divisie: distribution
Doceren: to make apparent,
Dode hand: property, possessions that can not be inherited Doemen: to sentence, to convict
Dominie: inpossession
Douariere: title for widow of nobility, but not benefiting of the income of a widow's dowry or jointure
Drossaert, drossaet, drost: baillif
Duccaton: silver mint piece of three guilders (florin) and three pennies
Dukaat: golden mint of 2.5 grams (Venetian)
Edifie: building
Effecten: paper money, letter of debt, share certificate
Egalingere: equalization
Emaneren: outgoing, come out, flow out
Emmers: but, in any case, still, always
Emmeso: sent out, dispatched
Emoluenten: irregular added wages above the set salary for a post
Emphitensie: hereditary tenure, long lease
Envoijen: dispatch
Erfelijke rente: an achieved usufruct (legal right to use) in the form of a lifelong usage of the property
Et a me infra scripto notario: and by me the undersigned notary
Eursel, eussel, eeus(s)el: dried summer grass for cattle that's fenced in
Evictie: to take away someone's property, eviction
Exempt, except: exempt of, free of
Excussie: loophole, excuse
Executie: the carrying out of a sentence
Executoriaal: feasible
Exeptie van geenen getelden gelde:
Exhibitien: exhibitions, submitted papers
Expireren: to come to an end, expire
Expresse: with framework, with premeditation
Exprimeren: press out, express oneself
Facta: done, carried out
Faute: fault, shortcoming
Faveure: in his or her benefit, favor
Finalijk: finally, lastly
Fine: to the end
Fonderen: to found, build, establish